Saturday, September 22, 2007

First Steps

Kendra took her first steps yesterday! Andrew was stuck at work but when he found out Kenra was taking steps he came home. This moning she walked a little more sturdy so I hope she can take a few steps at her B-Day party (Pray for good weather). I guess we will have to find her a pair of shoes that fit. I have never heard anyone run into the problem that we have with Kendra's feet. They are cunky so they don't fit into normal baby shoes. We went to payless to try on wide shoes and they still didn't fit. Oh well, we will find the right pair someday!!!!


J, D, and A said...

SOOOOOO exciting!!!! Sorry Payless shoes didn't work for her. Maybe Stride Rite will work. I'll see you Saturday. It's so fun that she will be taking steps by her party:)

Lansdale said...

It was great to actually be able to see those steps! We had a great time yesterday. Love you guys!

MarlaSt said...

Hey girl...try Vans. Robbie had the same kind of feet and finally I found good fitting shoes for him at Vans.
Love you guys,

Anonymous said...

Yay!! I saw her today and she steped her two steps to me.. it was adorable :) can't wait for sat i got her cute stuff see ya then!