Friday, September 14, 2007

Well, Andrew wason the air for the first time today. He and I were very excited. He is hoping that this will lead into more on the air stuff but who knows. He has been doing promotion stuff at route 66 the last 2 nights. Kendra and I went down to visit tonight and she loved it so much. Thank God for all the wonderful things he is doing.

* Once again I ask you to pray for us. We are really interested in seeing more college age fellowship between the churches around here. God has always had that on Andrew's heart!!!


Lansdale said...

We miss you too! So happy to hear that things are going so well! Is Andrew OK from the car accident? We really need to get together. Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

It was AWESOME to hear Andrew on KSGN! He called just in time for us to tune in. I put it on the computer and Kendra just looked around for her daddy! :)
It was GREAT! We are very proud of him and what the Lord is doing in his life. I know his heart for the College Age and I pray the Lord will give him a clear understanding of what He has planned for you both in that.
Love you all!

MarlaSt said...

Wow...I wish I could have heard Andrew on the air!!! Please let me know when it happens again. I said it before, and I'll say it again..I listen to KSGN everyday, and it would be AWESOME for him to have a segment were he can share with young people your guys' age. I am so proud of both of you!!!