Monday, September 10, 2007

Well, it's been a long time since I have written on the blog but we finally have the internet!!! Kendra is doing okay. She is getting more teeth which is good but she has a fever and doesn't want mom and dad out of her sight. I cannot wait till they stop hurting. Andrew is doing well. He preached for the first time in a long time at Banning. It went very well. We have both been praying about doing mission work. Within the next few weeks Andrew got in a car accident. I don't know if that was God telling us to be patient or if he was telling us to do something else. We are now praying about a great multitude of things. Like buying a old/used car, and possibly purchasing and old/used house that needs a lot of work. As you can see we need a lot of prayer. Please pray for our family as we make big decisions and if anyone has advice, we would love to hear it. Thanks for your support. Oh yeah, school for me is a lot of fun but it's also a lot of reading!!


Anonymous said...

It's nice to see an update! I guess new pictures will follow soon.
It's wonderful to see the Lord working in your lives. I know your passion for Him is growing daily and He is leading you to a calling chosen specifically for the two of you. When and Where is what's to be revealed. Just look for that still small voice and you'll both know when and where it is time.
Meanwhile, that beautiful little one is growing leaps n bounds! I cannot get over how much she is changing DAILY!
Sorry for her fat-lip! Maybe you don't have to display a photo of that and save Gramma and Grampa some shame! :o)

Anonymous said...

hey there susan, Kendra is growing up so much, and too about how much God has had us grow from the time that we were in 6th grade... I know that you and your family has went through struggles this past year, and i want you to know as soon as i heard (never the details) that you guys were struggling, rudy and i went straight to our knees, i hadnt cried so hard for a friend before, susan i know we dont talk that often, but i want you to know that i love you, and you alway will have a very special place in my heart, you have been the best friend that anyone can ever ask for, through good times and bad. thank you very much. God bless and i am so excided to hear that you are under bro. ray he is so awesome, please tell him hi for he was my teacher at church camp back when i was like 6 or 7 yrs old. my email address is
Love, Christine