Monday, August 13, 2007

Well, we joined the Banning Church on Sunday! We are so excited. Before we closed the service, Bro. Ray asked the church to pray for our family because he said the devil works extra ####### minister’s lives and families. I know this to be true and he does try to wreck ministries, reputations, and relationships. Everything that has happened thus far has been a blessing from God. I have come to the point in my life that I have realized everyone is human and mistakes will happen but God is faithful regardless if we are. This means He is always there.
When we were searching for God we came across a church in Riverside called Sandals. The first night we went Pastor Matt told the whole church that when he was younger he had struggled with ###########. One night he had a dream about it, woke up and told his wife. The next night his wife prayed for him all night long that God would guide his thoughts. He woke the next morning with no horrible thoughts.
God opened my eyes so much to this. I was so amazed that a pastor would be that honest. I think it helped so many men that were there to realize that once again everyone is human but God can conquer all. It also showed what a wife should do in the circumstances of life. I can honestly say that I have never been taught such a great lesson about marriage at church before. I am glad God made this real.
God had us try a few other places were we heard about missionaries traveling the world and the thousands of people they have seen saved. Blessing after blessing!!!
“Christianity” is so different from what I thought it was. God wants us to have freedom. He wants us to explore thoughts and question (Of course always keep in mind that he is God but he wants to be real). If we are close to God our lives will show that. We will be kind; we will not be afraid to share difficult situations; failures, and excitement with God and other “Christians” and church members; we will want to listen to others problems; we will be able to put down our pride to say “I don’t know”. Sorry for rambling on and on but I love this new found ‘vision’ I have.

Andrew is preaching on Sunday morning August 26th @ Banning so please pray for God to speak to him in the most amazing way!!! Thanks

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am so excited that you guys have joined Banning as well. I love being a member of the Banning church!

Guess what, we will be there the 26th! We are coming out to CA to help my sister and brother-in-law paint their new house! I can't wait to hear Andrew preach again!

I love you guys!!!