Thursday, August 9, 2007

The Banning Church

Well, we spoke with Bro. Ray last night from the Banning church. He gave us great advice as to what we should do with our desire to join the church. We have had much prayer over this and I am so thankful that God has spoken loudly as to what he would have us to do. I know God speaks in a still small voice most the time but this time; it has been the loudest and most bold voice I have heard in a long time. Bro. Ray asked Andrew if he was truly called to preach God's Word to a group/congregation of people. Andrew said yes. There have been many things in our lives that have made me question why God chose Andrew but I know he did. Andrew finally heard the encouragement that he has needed for so long. Bro. Ray told Andrew he is always there for prayer, questions, concerns, and study. He also told Andrew that being a minister was God's call for Andrew (and not anyone else) so he will be accountable not only for his life, and family but also for his ministry. I am so glad that God has led our paths the way he has. Much learning has taken place, and I am so thankful for every second of it, even though there have been pains, God has been faithful to see me and Andrew through.

Why is God so great to us????


Lansdale said...

Happy that things are going well! We love you!

Unknown said...

That is great! Bro. Ray is an awesome Pastor. I like having him as a Pastor. God bless!!

Anonymous said...

Your testimony warms my heart!
What a blessing to see you three in church this morning and knowing that God had led you there. I know He has blessed your desire to follow Him at all costs and will honor His promises to your family as you follow His call for each of your lives!
You gotta let me know when!
Love you all DEARLY and ETERNALLY!

Judy said...

I was glad you did the right thing and came back and apologized in person. So many people write letters but I have always felt if you are truly sorry and live within driving distance you should do it in person. I am sorry Andrew you felt that you did not get encouragement at Redlands. I feel we always tried to encourage all our young ministers. Bro. Wiggins is always allowing all our ministers to preach on Sunday evenings, which you did many times. Sorry you felt our church didn't encourage you enough. I think by Redlands having the Seminary that in itself is an encouragement to ALL young ministers. I pray you will come to the Seminary this year and learn about God's word and his desires for your ministry. And I hope your family will be happy in Banning.