Saturday, May 5, 2007


Well, life has been flying by. It has been about a week since the last blog. Everyone is doing wonderful. We think Kendra might be getting a tooth. We have thought that for a long time, but I think she now has an excuse to be grumpy. She is getting sooo big! Andrew is doing great. He only has a couple more weeks of school left. YES!!! He is also moving to a new Starbuck's in San Bernardino, next week. I found out they had put him on a list to move and he really didn't have a choice. Oh well, hopefully it will only be until he graduates. Just continue to pray for our family as we seek God's place for us. I am ready for God to take all of this in His hands. I am so excited to be where God wants us. I really don't know what church God will have us join (of course one that teaches about salvation through Jesus Christ, most important thing) but all I know is I cannot wait to start serving!!


J, D, and A said...

What an adorable picture... Kendra is beautiful!! Love reading your blog hope everything is well for you guys.

MarlaSt said...

Susan and Andrew,
What a beautiful baby girl! She will always be the joy of your life. She will grow up so fast and you will turn around and wonder where the time went. Enjoy every moment!
I love you guys,
here's our blog

Anonymous said...

Hey there you "two plus one".
It's mom here just wanting you to know I continue in prayer that the Lord will guide and direct you in all truths to what His plans are for you. Yes, you must seek it out for yourselves. Just keep in mind there is a time to "stop and be still". You are both very very busy and if you don't take that quiet time to yourself with the Lord it's going to be hard to hear Him. You know I will happily take Kendra for a night or two to help you both have that extra time. Consider this Friday and Saturday....
Ok, I am honestly somewhat selfish in this! :o)
Love you all,