Friday, May 25, 2007

Life's to short.

Well, life has been moving fast and yesterday seemed like eight years ago!!! God has truly been moving our family in a great direction. It started with reading a book called "The Power of a Praying Wife." From there God revealed a lot to both Andrew and myself. The book instructs you that you must start on yourself before God can work on anyone in your life. Boy did that happen. After struggling with some doubts God reaffirmed his strength. God has shown us both, places where we are weak and where we need much work. We have found that talking to one another is the best solution to every problem. I praise God for his forgiveness and the forgiveness that he teaches us to do as well because we all need that on a daily basis!
Well, after basically a new beginning (it feels like) we have decided to take a family trip. We figure the only thing holding us back is ourselves. So we are going to be heading north to Oregon and maybe Washington. That all kind of depends on if we are to tired to keep driving!!! Kendra is very excited to go.
Also, keep us in your prayers as we search for a church to regularly attend. God has taken us to a place in Riverside that we think he has called us to but we are praying and studying the New Testament together to make sure that this church follows the scriptures and only the scriptures.


Anonymous said...

Isn't it wonderful that we do have a forgiving God, and not only that, but He gladly teaches us to have that same spirit! He Is AMAZING! You know we're praying for the journey you are on and have great faith that our Heavenly Father guide you into all truths in your search for a church.
As for the road trip, hmmmmm...
Did you clear that with Gramma Tina? :o)

David & Kate said...

Hey guys, long time no talk too. So when's the big trip? Able to stop by mo-town? Give us a jingle.


David, Kate, & Jadon too.

J, D, and A said...

The trip sounds like so much fun!!! We hope you have a safe trip. It was great to see you guys the other day. Hope everything is going well.

Jesse, Delyse, and Adison

The Bengtzen Family said...

Dear Burdick Family,
I just opened a blog for my family and happened to come across yours. In some of your blogs you had mentioned you are searching for a church for your family to attend. I belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and I feel that what you and your family are looking for could be found in this church. So if you are intested, here is the phone number and address to an LDS church is Riverside... 951-681-6130 / 8660 44th Street... Or you can call the Riverside Mission Office at 909-788-9690. I have been a member of the LDS church for 16 years now and I don't know where I would be today without my faith. I really hope you will at least investigate this Church... it will change your life... it has changed mine. If you have any questions you can email me at