Sunday, April 29, 2007

Dispalce Me

Andrew's group of people that were going to attend this backed out so he talked Kendra and me into going. We only stayed for about 3 hours. We had a lot of fun and it was a great experience. We stationed ourselves next to a family with 2 kids and with in on the way. The mother and talk for awhile and she was able to share her testimony with me about her struggle with cancer, not being able to have anymore children, and her pregnancy. She was very sweet and let us use her blanket for Kendra to lie on. The picture that you see is everyone built a hut out of cardboard boxes. This was to demonstrate how the displacement camps actually are in Uganda. We were not able to stay to long so we didn’t get to see how they distribute water and food but they told us how much these children were feed and the fact that they might get one meal a day. They live in constant fear of the rebels. Pray for the children in Uganda and go on the website to check out and see if you can help.


John and Esther said...

Hello, got your blog address from your Mom. Hope you have ours.

Just wanted you to know you are so special to us and even more special to our Lord.
Keep on drummin' for the Lord and we are praying for you and your family. You know how we love drums and why. God knows each ones heart, and Satan is roaring around in sheeps clothing seeking whom he may devour. We are just PUSHIng for you. PRAY UNTIL SOMETHING HAPPENS! Love you so much, please keep in touch.
John and Esther

Anonymous said...

Have you ever heard of Wasabi's? They are little things that tell the temp of water for the families in africa when they cook a meal. Its a really cheap project just thought i might ask. I learned about it at a retreat.