Saturday, September 22, 2007

First Steps

Kendra took her first steps yesterday! Andrew was stuck at work but when he found out Kenra was taking steps he came home. This moning she walked a little more sturdy so I hope she can take a few steps at her B-Day party (Pray for good weather). I guess we will have to find her a pair of shoes that fit. I have never heard anyone run into the problem that we have with Kendra's feet. They are cunky so they don't fit into normal baby shoes. We went to payless to try on wide shoes and they still didn't fit. Oh well, we will find the right pair someday!!!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Kendra's B-day Wish List

A few people have asked what Kendra might want for her B-Day so I asked her. She told me she wears size 24 months (hopefully through the winter months), she likes every thing musical, books, and she wants to be able to sit in a kid backpack when mommy and daddy go hiking, and anything she can put in her mouth.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Well, Andrew wason the air for the first time today. He and I were very excited. He is hoping that this will lead into more on the air stuff but who knows. He has been doing promotion stuff at route 66 the last 2 nights. Kendra and I went down to visit tonight and she loved it so much. Thank God for all the wonderful things he is doing.

* Once again I ask you to pray for us. We are really interested in seeing more college age fellowship between the churches around here. God has always had that on Andrew's heart!!!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Well, it's been a long time since I have written on the blog but we finally have the internet!!! Kendra is doing okay. She is getting more teeth which is good but she has a fever and doesn't want mom and dad out of her sight. I cannot wait till they stop hurting. Andrew is doing well. He preached for the first time in a long time at Banning. It went very well. We have both been praying about doing mission work. Within the next few weeks Andrew got in a car accident. I don't know if that was God telling us to be patient or if he was telling us to do something else. We are now praying about a great multitude of things. Like buying a old/used car, and possibly purchasing and old/used house that needs a lot of work. As you can see we need a lot of prayer. Please pray for our family as we make big decisions and if anyone has advice, we would love to hear it. Thanks for your support. Oh yeah, school for me is a lot of fun but it's also a lot of reading!!