Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Kendra is now clapping very well. Her two little bottom teeth are coming in beautifully and she has learned to shake her head no. She is so cute!!!

Andrew loves his internship and is hoping that it turns into a job. I hope so too.

We are also looking for a place to live. We haven’t found anything that we like yet but I know God has that all planned out already. Just keep us in your prayers please as we are continually searching for God’s truth in our lives.


Anonymous said...

That picture is soooo cute!
Looks like she has bucked-teeth!
We know better though...

MarlaSt said...

Oh my...she is so beautiful. Watch out Andrew!!! In a few years, you'll be chasing those boys away!!!
Love you guys and I'm so happy you are enjoying your internship!

Unknown said...

How cute!!! She is so adorable!! I can't get over how cute she is!! Not that I am surprised, look at her parents. ;)

Good luck finding a home, you are all in my prayers!

Judy said...

She has got the sweetest face. I just want to pinch her cheeks. She is tooooo cute. Miss you guys.

Hope all is well. Love Judy