Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Well, we are home! We had a great time at David's and Kate's home and we also got to meet the new baby. He wasn't that tiny anymore but much smaller than Kendra. We all had such a great time with the little munchkins...

Also, while we were gone Kendra had her two bottom teeth come in. She was only sad for a little while. They are so pretty. She also started clapping!!! So Big...


Anonymous said...

Glad you are all home safely!
I guess Miss Kendra won't be chewing on Gramma any more! :o)
Can't wait to see you all! Maybe you'll surprise me with a visit to camp!!!! (only a little hint there...)
Love ya-all!

Lansdale said...

Yay for Kendra! How exciting! I don't think Jacob is too far behind her. If you make a trip to camp let me know. Love you all!