Monday, June 18, 2007

Father's Day

We had a great Father's Day. Kendra went swimming twice and had so much fun. Well, our plans have changed a little. We are no longer going on our big trip but we are still planning to see David, Kate, and Jadon. I started looking at the cost of gas and realized that it would cost a pretty penny to drive that much.

Prayer request: Andrew starts his internship today at 89.7 and he is really excited. Just pray that he can find a new job...


Lansdale said...

Hi there. I want to get together Wednesday morning. How does that sound? And Andrew has an internship? Whats that about? Talk to you soon.

J, D, and A said...

Happy Father's Day Andrew. I hope the internship went well.
Susan, I'm so glad you wanted to get together with other mommys. I think it will be fun.
