Friday, April 20, 2007

I have seen other peoples blogs and thought this would be a great way to inform everyone on how our little family is doing!
Kendra just had her 6 month well-check. She was great until she heard the noise of the paper on the table. She is doing great and now weighs 17.5 pounds and is 27 inches tall. She is our little (heavy) bundle of joy and we love her soooo much! She is eating 2 jars of baby food a day, is saying dada, also sitting up all by herself and now is able to push off the ground with her legs. The doctor warned us that we should start baby-proofing the house now!!!
Andrew is starting the last quarter of school for the 2007 school year. He has been doing a wonderful job of balancing school, work, church, and fatherhood. He is now in the process of looking for an internship over the summer months.
Susan is working part-time and being mama!
* If you would not mind praying for our family as we search for the church God would have us serve Him in!!!


Vonnie said...

OH MY GOSH! What a beautiful family God has given you! I am so glad you started this place for me to keep up to date on you guys! I saved it to my computer so I can come here often and see you and the precious baby. We miss you guys so much at Clovis MBC. Be blessed, precious ones. Vonnie Crain

Anonymous said...

Heavenly Father,
I ask that you hear the request I am praying for my son and his family. Please Lord, guide and direct Andrew as he seeks your will for His life. I ask that you shield him from those that would force their opinions upon him so that he can receive clearly your vision through your Holy Spirit and your Holy Word as he searches for your truth. Reveal to both him and his wife your plan for them at this time. I trust you and you alone in all things, Lord, and you have the wisdom that they need. Show them openly where you are taking them and give them the Faith they need to continue in your path.
Thank you Heavenly Father for being the Father that loves us beyond all others and seeks only what is right in all situations. Thank you for your forgiveness.
In the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and through the power of the Holy Spirit I submit this prayer unto you. Amen.

Sunshine said...

Hey there Andrew and what a beautiful family you have, Rudy and i love you all very much, and are in prayer for you, i know that the 1st church here in Fresno misses you and all that you gave to siminary, you are a rocket ready to learn and ready to give. Maybe someday God will lead you and your family back up here, i know that you were very happy here...miss ya!! Love, Rudy and Christine

Anonymous said...

Hey Andrew i just wanted to let you know that i miss having you at teen discovery it was really cool having you as a flight leader i hope you come back.
