Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Verse of the Day

I read this verse this morning and wanted to share it. I've been reading through the Bible this year not trying to make it to the end in a year, but to consistently read through it. It's amazing how much there is to learn from just reading scripture. Anyway, here it is; I'm in Job.

Job 5:18- "For he wounds, but he binds up; he shatters, but his hands heal."

This helps answer the age old question, "Why, God?" It encourages me that though we often end up with wounds and can be shattered at times, the Lord is just as quick to heal and bind us up. Sometimes its good to feel wounded and broken. Sometimes its the only way we can learn and grow.

I pray for the sick in hospitals and their family. I have been blessed to know only a few people close to me who have frequented the hospital. I pray that God would use his children to help bind rather than wound.


J, D, and A said...

This really opened up my eyes. Far too often I find myself selfishly asking " Why God." And nobody has ever really given me an answer let alone one like this. Thank you!!

Anonymous said...

That's awesome that you are seeking God's Word daily! It is definitely refreshing and nutritious! (since I honestly don't eat healthy so-much, I'm not sure I spelt that word right! :0)
In class last night we were discussing this very topic. The scripture reading in John ch. 9 shows the disciples judging as to who's fault it is that this man was born blind. Jesus is so very quick to tell them the Father allows us to suffer to bring Him glory. Paul explained in II Cor. 12 how through our weaknesses He is made strong. As in everything, it's all about Him. I love how encouraging His word is. Ps. 18:2, 37:24, and 73:26 are just a few scriptures that bring sweet relief at times of pain. Oh, how sweet is the Word of God!