Thursday, June 5, 2008

A Very Needed UPDATE!!!

So, we don't have the internet at our apt, but we do have it at our school, from which Andrew will be graduating Sunday the 15th, which also just happens to be Father's Day and is the 100th anniversary of the National Association of American Polo- woot woot!
Okay, here are some awesome pics to satisfy you guys for a while.


J, D, and A said...

I am so excited to see new pictures. I love the family picture and the one of Susan and Kendra. She is just adorable. Congrats Andrew on graduating college. What a HUGE accomplishment! Hope to be able to hang out with you guys soon.

MarlaSt said...

She is just getting so big. And what a cutie patootie. Thanks for posting new pics. And Andrew, I am soooo proud of you!!! Susan, you are such a beautiful mommy. And Ms. Kendra, I just want to squeeze you!!! Love you guys

David & Kate said...

Yeah! Thanks for new pictures!
Congratulations Andrew!

David, Kate, & Jadon

Greg and Sarah Breckley said...

Smarty-pants...Not you, we meant Kendra...

Good job and congrats on graduation! We love the new family photos.