Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Well, we are taking a trip up to camp today. I don't get off work until 6pm but we really want to see our family and friends that we have not seen for awhile. Robbie told us that he would be more than willing to take us up so we are pretty excited to go!!!!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Well, we are home! We had a great time at David's and Kate's home and we also got to meet the new baby. He wasn't that tiny anymore but much smaller than Kendra. We all had such a great time with the little munchkins...

Also, while we were gone Kendra had her two bottom teeth come in. She was only sad for a little while. They are so pretty. She also started clapping!!! So Big...

Monday, June 18, 2007

Father's Day

We had a great Father's Day. Kendra went swimming twice and had so much fun. Well, our plans have changed a little. We are no longer going on our big trip but we are still planning to see David, Kate, and Jadon. I started looking at the cost of gas and realized that it would cost a pretty penny to drive that much.

Prayer request: Andrew starts his internship today at 89.7 and he is really excited. Just pray that he can find a new job...

Saturday, June 9, 2007

We tried to take Kendra to see Pirates 3 but she didn't want to stay in the theater so we stayed for about 20 min. Thank goodness the Wild Animal park was fun. Kendra liked the goats the best because she almost touched one of them.

Friday, June 8, 2007


Kendra has finally started to move. The only problem is that she only moves in reverse. BUT last night she went from a sitting position to a crawling position all by herself. Oh course soon after she face planted and started screaming so we figured it was time for a bath and a book!

Monday, June 4, 2007

Beautiful Babies

Kendra loves to meet all of her friends. She is a lot chunkier than they are and this little one is catching up in height!!!