Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Kendra loves the doggies a lot. Not so much when they try to kiss her though!!!

Friday, May 25, 2007

Life's to short.

Well, life has been moving fast and yesterday seemed like eight years ago!!! God has truly been moving our family in a great direction. It started with reading a book called "The Power of a Praying Wife." From there God revealed a lot to both Andrew and myself. The book instructs you that you must start on yourself before God can work on anyone in your life. Boy did that happen. After struggling with some doubts God reaffirmed his strength. God has shown us both, places where we are weak and where we need much work. We have found that talking to one another is the best solution to every problem. I praise God for his forgiveness and the forgiveness that he teaches us to do as well because we all need that on a daily basis!
Well, after basically a new beginning (it feels like) we have decided to take a family trip. We figure the only thing holding us back is ourselves. So we are going to be heading north to Oregon and maybe Washington. That all kind of depends on if we are to tired to keep driving!!! Kendra is very excited to go.
Also, keep us in your prayers as we search for a church to regularly attend. God has taken us to a place in Riverside that we think he has called us to but we are praying and studying the New Testament together to make sure that this church follows the scriptures and only the scriptures.

Saturday, May 5, 2007


Well, life has been flying by. It has been about a week since the last blog. Everyone is doing wonderful. We think Kendra might be getting a tooth. We have thought that for a long time, but I think she now has an excuse to be grumpy. She is getting sooo big! Andrew is doing great. He only has a couple more weeks of school left. YES!!! He is also moving to a new Starbuck's in San Bernardino, next week. I found out they had put him on a list to move and he really didn't have a choice. Oh well, hopefully it will only be until he graduates. Just continue to pray for our family as we seek God's place for us. I am ready for God to take all of this in His hands. I am so excited to be where God wants us. I really don't know what church God will have us join (of course one that teaches about salvation through Jesus Christ, most important thing) but all I know is I cannot wait to start serving!!