Sunday, April 29, 2007

Dispalce Me

Andrew's group of people that were going to attend this backed out so he talked Kendra and me into going. We only stayed for about 3 hours. We had a lot of fun and it was a great experience. We stationed ourselves next to a family with 2 kids and with in on the way. The mother and talk for awhile and she was able to share her testimony with me about her struggle with cancer, not being able to have anymore children, and her pregnancy. She was very sweet and let us use her blanket for Kendra to lie on. The picture that you see is everyone built a hut out of cardboard boxes. This was to demonstrate how the displacement camps actually are in Uganda. We were not able to stay to long so we didn’t get to see how they distribute water and food but they told us how much these children were feed and the fact that they might get one meal a day. They live in constant fear of the rebels. Pray for the children in Uganda and go on the website to check out and see if you can help.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Our New Family Pet

Kendra got here first pet today. She picked out her very own fishy. She was very excited and interested in her new pet.

Friday, April 27, 2007


Today was Kendra's first time taking a dip in a swimming pool. She loved the water, but loved the water hose even more. Her daddy held onto her very tight, so she was safe in his arms. She is going to be a great swimmer so we are gonna have lots of fun over the summer. Yay!

Invisible Children

Tomorrow Andrew is going to this thing called displace me. It is sponsored by the Invisible Children's group. It is supposed to help raise awareness for the children in Uganda, Africa. He is going to be able to write about it for the school paper. He is pretty excited about that. Pray for these people!!!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Birthday Party

We had our little family party for Andrew. He is getting so old (22). Kendra loved the birthday candles and could not stop looking at them and smiling. I told her she was going to have her own birthday cake in about 6 months!!! The night ended with a story for Kendra and A Night At The Museum for mom and dad!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Kendra is so cute! We went to Wal-mart and to the grocery store today. She is such a big girl and sat in a cart all by herself. She was so proud and happy!!! She is growing up way to fast.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Kendra's day with Dad

Today Kendra got her first pair of sandals. They are so cute. She visited her dad at work and met a man from Africa named John. He made her smile a lot. Dad and her spent the whole day together and they had the greatest time in the whole world. It was full of laughter and ice cream and giggles and dancing to some good bluegrass music. Relient K bluegrass style, there's nothing better. Oh oh oh.

Sunday, April 22, 2007


Last night our family went to a wedding. Everyone thought Kendra was so cute. She was a very happy baby and spent most of the night with Grandma Marcy and Grandpa Tony. She also tried to eat mama's bread. That didn't happen so I gave her some mashed potatoes and she loved it. When we arrived at home she was pretty tired and cranky but around midnight she finally fell asleep!

Friday, April 20, 2007

I have seen other peoples blogs and thought this would be a great way to inform everyone on how our little family is doing!
Kendra just had her 6 month well-check. She was great until she heard the noise of the paper on the table. She is doing great and now weighs 17.5 pounds and is 27 inches tall. She is our little (heavy) bundle of joy and we love her soooo much! She is eating 2 jars of baby food a day, is saying dada, also sitting up all by herself and now is able to push off the ground with her legs. The doctor warned us that we should start baby-proofing the house now!!!
Andrew is starting the last quarter of school for the 2007 school year. He has been doing a wonderful job of balancing school, work, church, and fatherhood. He is now in the process of looking for an internship over the summer months.
Susan is working part-time and being mama!
* If you would not mind praying for our family as we search for the church God would have us serve Him in!!!