Monday, September 15, 2008

Monday, September 8, 2008

Kendra thought she could carry Papa...

We came home early so we headed up to forest falls to stretch our legs. It was beautiful and we had a wonderful time.

but she ended up carrying her monkey

Kendra realizing the water is COLD!!!

Kendra was excited to see her cousin again!

We had a great time at Dustin and Brittany's wedding. We also took Kim and Jacob, which was a huge blessing! We were able to spend 2 nights with David, Kate, Jadon (and James). Andrew's dad also came to see the grand kids. We all had a lot of fun. I think we all have decided to never get in a car again though!!!

kendra was frustrated with all the other girls that wanted to kiss Jacob at the wedding!

Dustin and Brittany's beautiful wedding

Kate, Jadon and baby James!!!

David finishing his 6.1 mile race!

Andrew said that David was posing but i don't know about this one!

Kendra Swinging and Feeding the Ducks at Ford Park

Kendra Likes Papa's Shoes!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Last weekend our church had there baptism service at Yucipa Regoinal. There were so many people there and a few that came who didn't have the intent to get baptized but were saved and baptized. This was such a changing experience for me. I felt like this is what it was like in the Jordan River, outside under God's creation. I feel like I understand the testimonies in the book of Acts a little more.

This is our pastor @ Yucipa Regoinal Park where we had baptisms.

A women in a wheelchair was baptized. It was amazing!

This is Mark & Jen. They are the greatest mentors!!

Kendra saying CHEESE!

I made pizza the other night and Andrew & Kendra couldn't even get to the table before they started eating!