Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Kendra's 1st Birthday (among other scary things)

These blog things are addicting. I couldn't help but think all day of what I would write next. Well, I noticed that we haven't posted anything about Kendra's birthday, so I will share some pics from that. It went well. There were a lot of people there, which was good because we brought a lot of food. I also had the pleasure of hitting a home run in the softball game, which is always a plus. It was great to see the babies all playing together. Kendra enjoyed herself and loved the cake that grandma baked (props for g-ma). Thanks to all who came out. We love you guys.
Also, I have finally figured out what I am going to do with my education- get even more education! I've decided to not just get my BA (I am graduating this spring hopefully), but will spend three more years and get my MA in Rehabilitation Counseling. I've realized that with the career market the way it is, having a bachelors is mass comm just isn't going to cut it. And though I love working at the radio station, I much prefer to work with people. And, sadly, I like school. But the even better news is that Susan will be going to CSUSB in the winter!!! I'm excited! She's thinking about getting into social work instead of nursing. It'll be interesting to see where God leads. Either way, I am pretty stoked about it all.
Lastly, our pastor, Ray Velasquez, has been coming over to our abode on Monday nights to teach me Greek and other interesting Bible stuff. I'm loving it. But Kendra, I think, is in love with him. She literally crwls over to him and stand up next to him and wimpers until he picks her up. She gets excited and more than that... SHe Just Sits There!!! She just sits on his lap and smiles and laughs. But he loves it. And as long as she isn't knocking stuff over (like usual) I am all cool.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Beijing, Here We Come!

Last week, Susan and I (that's right, Andrew is writing a blog thing- word!) had the privelage of seeing Bro. David Hardin. He is an upstanding gentleman who has a passion for spreading the word (literally) to all the world (again, literally). He attends the summer and winter olympic events to hand out bibles by the thousands and spread the message of Christ to those who attend the events. He came to our humble church in Banning to share this burden with us and asked for prayer and support. Well, Susan and I got pretty excited about the possibility of joining Bro. David in Beijing for the mission endeavour, but weren't exactly sure whether this was truly God's will or not. Then, we went to a youth rally in Brea, and guess who was there? No, not Michael Jackson, Bro. David Hardin! I know, crazy, right? Needless to say God has been confirming in our hearts the passion to be a part of what God will do out in Beijing in August 2008. For those of you who don't know, China is a commie nation (this is a bad thing). And as a result of the government system, churches that preach Christ have to do it underground (not literally, but more like on the D.L. (down low)). So we American missionaries will be able to do something that the Chinese pastors and missionaries aren't allowed to do; go out on the streets of China and tell people about the savior of the world.
There is a small possibility of Susan and me getting in trouble/kicked out of the country/thrown into prison/forced to build another Great Wall etc. as a result of our spreadng the gospel, but since it is the Olympics, the gov't won't be as strict. Besides, since when do Christians get thrown into prison, right? Almost never... (that was sarcasm).
All of this to say pray for us. We are going to raise somewhere aroung $4,000.28 for the trip too, so if you know anybody who knows anybody who could help us out, let us know please.
Until next time (this very well might be my last time posting on our blogg. Hopefully Susan won't see this.)

Monday, October 1, 2007

The Birthday

Well, today is Kendra's 1st birthday. Time is already flying. I have not learned how to put picture on this computer yet so sorry for that. We had a wonderful time at the party and we thank everyone for coming. Kendra loves all of her new stuff and even enjoys playing with her clothes.